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Home All Guides Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) Is The Zorb Ball Only For Rolling Downhill?

Is The Zorb Ball Only For Rolling Downhill?

Zorb balls as large inflatable hamster balls for humans come in a variety of patterns.


Being used on water

Typically, suppliers make zorb balls from transparent and flexible plastic materials, such as TPU or PVC. Roll down hills or on the inner ground with fantastic transparent balls for fun. First, the zorb ball has seat belts or harnesses to properly secure the player. Second, some other equipment allows for rides with water-filled interiors, and people can move around unrestrictedly as the zorb ball slides down the ramp. We also named it hydro zorbing and everyone will get soaked, spin and have fun! Finally, the most common type is when the participant is thrown or tumbled during zorb balls rolling to walk freely on the water. This is the easiest way to zorbing, especially for kids in amusement parks.


A new combination with football

In fact, zorb ball are suitable for walking on water, just don't need a seat belt. To further popularize, the inventors developed a simple and low-cost walking water zorb ball. These are exclusively and only for water. Later, some people in Europe even created new designs that mixed zorbing and football, bubble football or zorb football. The clear bubbles will thrill those who enter it. Many also define it as a body exercise ball, a ring ball, or a safety ball. These bubble football jerseys can be paired with many events or football games.


In many cases, zorbing is suitable for slightly sloping ramps. Also, people do zorbing on flat ground and they can somehow manage the movement of the ball. Suitable for pools or lakes, etc., called aqua zorbing or water walker. Hobbyists are notoriously difficult to find nearby ramps at times. Still, they use inflatable or wooden ramps instead. Zorbing has become a nice attraction in many amusement parks throughout Western Europe, North America and Oceania. A new kind of legitimate entertainment has taken the world by storm. What's more, many zorbing companies operate football bumper balls and football bubble sets for rent. Please see our product "Bubble Football" for more information on prices and details.


If you want to get more information about zorb balls, you can now visit Kameymall.

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