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Home news Product Why Not Buy An Air Track For Physical Exercise
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Why Not Buy An Air Track For Physical Exercise

Jul, 02, 2022

613 Browses

Over the past 10 years, air track mats have become very popular, especially for gymnasts, cheerleaders, and fitness professionals.

Are air floors and air tracks the same

They may mean the same thing, but it depends on the brand. For some brands, air floor and air track are different shapes. Air floors are usually square, like a traditional gymnastic floor. Air tracks are usually long and narrow like traditional rod and roller rails. Both serve roughly the same purpose and are used by athletes, so it depends on other factors such as space when deciding which one is right for you.

How long do I need the air track
The main factor you need to consider is how much space you must use to use the air track. If you are using a limited size space, allow enough room to run up and land safely. If you don't have a size limit, then you need to consider what skills you want to practice and what skills you hope to learn in the future. In addition, you will want to consider how big of an air track you will need based on your height.

How thick of an air track do I need
Air tracks come in a variety of thicknesses. Thickness is the height when inflated and from the floor to the top of the air track. The thicker it is, the less chance you have of "bottoming out" or feeling the floor below the air track. You want to avoid bottoming out because it will cause injury and will reduce bounce. 10 cm thick is perfect for home use. You'll get a good bounce and it's easy to transport. In the gym, we use these on mats or tracks to provide extra comfort. At home, air tracks of this thickness work well on carpet or grass. Air tracks of 30cm height are commonly found in professional gyms. They are generally more flexible, but less portable. They also usually cost more.

How do I inflate the air track
Air tracks are inflated by either an electric pump or a hand pump. Most will have a valve on one side or top. The pump is inserted into the valve and it is then inflated. Some of the larger air tracks found in professional fitness facilities are equipped with an electric blower that constantly pumps air into the air track. These are noisier because the air pump must be kept on while using the air track. Most air tracks for home use do not use these larger pumps.

Where can I buy air tracks
Kameymall offers a wide variety of air tracks in a variety of sizes and styles for you to choose from.

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