Jun, 08, 2022
533 Browses
Maybe you have ever wondered what a bikini male version would look like. Well, two guys from Toronto are here to bring you bikinis for male use.
Chad Sasko and Taylor Field recently started a new business, selling a men's shoulder-style bathing bikini swimsuits called Brokinis. While this may seem like a good joke to some, Sasko and Field are serious about their product.
Sasko explained where the idea for the swimsuit came from. "We started going to bachelor parties and wearing crazy bathing suits, and then we actually saw a wrestling leotard online and thought, 'Hey, that could be a bathing suit,'" he said. '"
How was the men's bikini invented
"They're great, and it's transparent." They only started their business a week ago, but soon you may be able to buy men's bikinis online. "We're going to get into retail stores," sasko said. We're doing photos and videos, and then we're starting to do some paid advertising, and then we're moving into retail.
What do you think of brokinis
Though it is very interesting to see new kind of clothes and creative things to appear, many people, extremely man themselves think that such a kind of brokinis are not appropriate fot man to wear. No matter how many guys will choose to wear this brokini, we should respect them and never treat them differently.
Alternatively, if you are looking for common bikini sets on sales on the Internet, you can find various bikini items on Kameymall. At our website, though we currently are not avaliable for man’s bikini,we still provide numerous female’s bikini swimsuits for your consideration. The summer is comming, don’t hesitate to get yourself a set of sexy bikini now!
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