Jan, 03, 2022
1011 Browses
You have already been professionally installed. Or, you have a suitable bra. Therefore, you are sure that you know your bra size. So why do you think this new bra is inappropriate?
Many people believe that the lack of fit lies with the bra manufacturer-after all, they did it. But this is true; it is very, very rare to blame the manufacturer to fit. For those of you who have read Kameymall's past articles, you have learned that Kameymall's bra brand is obsessed with accurate bra fit. Good brands must do this. Before launching each bra to the market, we will make a huge upfront investment in materials and the number of factories. Therefore, the brand's design team cultivated a unique team of women with different bra sizes, and then tirelessly tested them for fit. It wasn't until the fit of the bra was mastered that it entered the market and was thus offered on Kameymall.
But back to my premise; why would a bra in your correct size not fit? I have some answers.
We all know how to put on our bra... right? We have been doing this for many years. We don’t need mirrors. We can do this in the dark. This is muscle memory. Well, let's pause for a moment. How did you put it on? And, when you put on a new bra for the first time, did you spend some time, or did you quickly throw it aside without a fair chance? In the beginning, with a little effort, a new bra can be turned into a very fitting dress. Think about how you try on a new pair of jeans. You pull them. Slide your hands into your pockets and let your hands lie down smoothly. Maybe put your hands behind to make sure that no VPL (visible panty line) exists.
Nowadays, the bra has been found to have pre-adjusted straps hanging to help speed up the first bra attempt. I think this kind of pre-adjustment is a kind of injury. It creates complacency. Most people think that the strap has been adjusted. But this adjustment may not be the best for you. The shoulder strap adjustments are huge, and many women just wear their bras too low. And this cannot reflect the function of sexy bikini.
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