Dec, 24, 2021
677 Browses
Air tracks are large and inflatable surfaces. The extra air in the mat makes it more elastic than a normal gymnastics mat. And this extra bounce effect enables you to jump higher than normal and gain extra height and speed on your movements. With an air track, you can boost your skill to a new level. You can use your air track in these ways.
Try different types of stress levels
With the air track, you can safely try all jumps and flips without the worry of landing too hard. The bounce function of this mat is very good, which offers more air and power to your jumping. You can adjust the elasticity of the mat by changing the pressure. With maximum pressure, the air track can feel hard while reducing the pressure makes it more flexible and softer. You can try different types of stress levels to find the most suitable one.
Add something to your air track
Apart from the air track, you can also add some additional stuff to your training. Like pumps, training beams, and folding mats, you can use them to expand your track. And adjust the pressure according to your need to make it more challenging and fun. Although these things may be quite expensive, if they can help you achieve your goals, then all appropriate budgets and expenditures are necessary.
Set up the air track on different surfaces
An air track can be set up on grass, concrete, sand, and even water. It can work on almost any surface that has enough space. Some of these surfaces may require simple treatment to make sure that your air track is not damaged while in use.
Choose an air track
Are you considering buying an air track? then you have come to the right place. Kameymall provides a lot of types of these mats, which come in various sizes, colors, and shapes. Choose the most suitable air track for yourself.
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