Jun, 30, 2022
575 Browses
Many parents worry about their children's learning from time to time, especially for maths. Many children do not do particularly well in maths and even feel that their children are not smart enough. I don't really agree with this, because I think that whether children do well or not in later years depends on how hard they work and how good their habits are, and even whether they are interested in the subject. However, if you are inclined to make your children smarter, I have some ideas.
My method requires you to prepare the air track mat, which is an inflatable gymnastic mat. It is also inflatable so it can be used at home. When you want to put it away, you can pull the air out of it and fold it into a small piece and place it somewhere in the house.
Basic gymnastics for young children play an important role in their intellectual development
Intelligence comes from the brain, which depends on nutrition, and one of the ways to promote its absorption is through exercise. During childhood, the internal structure and function of the brain develops rapidly and the energy needed for brain activity comes mainly from sugar, but the brain itself has very little sugar reserves, so it must rely on blood sugar, which is mainly supplied by food. Basic gymnastics for young children, as a kind of sports, can enhance children's appetite and digestive function, so that the starch in food can be changed into glucose and absorbed into the blood to become blood sugar to supply the needs of the brain. People who exercise regularly have more blood flow than the average person and therefore provide more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, which in turn promotes brain development. Because the brain has heterolateral control over sensation and movement, the brain is usually more developed in the left hemisphere. Young children. In basic gymnastic exercises, the left hand, which is usually less active, can be exercised, which helps to explore the potential of the right hemisphere of the brain and enables the overall intellectual development of young children.
With the air track mat, you can let your children practice gymnastics at home and improve their intelligence. So, where can I buy the air track mats? Come to Kameymall and choose the product that will satisfy you.
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