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Home news Relevant Knowledge And Culture Why Not Have Fun With Body Zorbing With Me? (Part 1)
body zorb bubble ball you wear

Why Not Have Fun With Body Zorbing With Me? (Part 1)

Aug, 31, 2022

615 Browses

I've seen a lot of people complaining about being bored on holiday recently, but I think they may just not have found any interesting and fresh games. Spending your whole holiday playing games and watching movies is not a good option, but if you try the game in the picture below, you won't have to complain about it anymore.

zorb ball

Introducing the special device in the picture

In the picture, each person is wearing a special bubble ball. The bubble ball wraps around the upper half of each of them, including their heads, with only their lower legs showing. Some of them are bumping into each other and some of them are going after footballs. What exactly were they doing? They were actually experiencing body zorbing! Ever heard of body zorbing? Maybe yes, maybe no. But one thing is for sure: this high-energy, high-enjoyment pastime is taking the world of dynamic movement by storm.

Imagine yourself enclosed in a large inflatable bubble ball and being used as a bowling ball. Or imagine seeing your friends fall, crash or roll awkwardly while playing football, while their upper body (from the waist up) has been secured in a clear bubble ball. Well, this is not a scene from a movie, but reality, and it comes in the name of body zorbing.

What is body zorbing?

This super fun sport is becoming quite popular these days as more and more people from all places and of all ages are taking part in this activity. It is a high-energy exercise which means that the participants wear a large colourless inflatable bladder on their upper body. The only moving part is the legs. Believe me, they do a lot of the work to keep you balanced.

People like this, now called "zorbinaut", can roll on the ground, use it as a bowling ball, play football or even wrestle with another person. Imagine yourself being rolled down a hill, or hitting your friend and trying to wrestle them to the ground! That's what Body Rollers is all about. This is what Body Rollers are all about! Energy, movement and most of all fun! Please see below.

Where can I buy a body bubble ball?

Well, if you decide to get involved, you can get the zorb balls you want for yourself on Kameymall. prices vary, so you should check them out by clicking on the links. In the next article I will give you some real life examples of body zorbing and show you what occasions this game is suitable for. Stay tuned!

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