Apr, 16, 2022
696 Browses
When it comes to zorb ball, what will you think of? It is a slightly strange concept of which most people haven't heard, in that people strap themselves into a transparent ball, then ride down a hill, walk on water, or even play games with others on flatter ground.
The initial zorb ball was born in New Zealand in 1994, however, it took a decade or two to spread across the world. Now, you’ll find zorb ball experiences in many countries around the world. If you want to experience the longest “zorb journey”, come to New Zealand to make you dream come true as there is a zorb track which is about 700 meters long.
Zorb ball allows at most 2 persons to get inside at the same time. So it’s a nice activity for a family to participate in, as long as you have a healthy body and don’t have any disabilities that would make it unsafe for you to do so.
Zorb Ball is a hot spot project
The project is another emerging hot spot project after rock climbing and bungee jumping. It is safe, reliable and thrilling, which is suitable for various tourist scenic spots, water parks, ski resorts, sand skiing grounds and children's parks.
Some useful tips
Site requirements: the ground shall be flat, spikes shall be removed, the inclination angle shall be less than 8 degrees, and rope nets can be used to fix both sides of the track.
Buy a zorb ball for your family
To have a chance to experience an unforgettable day. Come to Kameymall and buy a zorb ball. In addition, it can be the best gift you can give your children or loved ones to give them a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
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