May, 23, 2022
635 Browses
Do you like playing games? Today, I am going to introduce you to a new game, the Bubble Ball Jailbreak game. This game is very popular in Europe and nowadays it has started to spread widely around the world.
It's perfect for company group activities because it's fun and fresh, and it's a team game where you have to work together to win, so it's good for fostering closer relationships and a more united atmosphere between colleagues.
If you are a company event planner and want to give everyone a taste of the game, you will need to prepare some zorb balls as everyone will need to wear the zorb ball, now let's have a look at the rules of the game and how to choose the right venue.
First of all, the game generally requires between 8 and 16 participants and divides them into two groups, with one or a few people in each group being identified as prisoners and the rest as guards.
The prisoners are placed on the other side behind the enemy camp and the guards' task is to rescue their prisoner team members and bring them back to the main camp, while also preventing the enemy prisoners from escaping from their own camp. This means that each team has to guard their prisoners while attacking, and not allow the other team to rescue them.
The attacking guards release the prisoners from the prison by touching the bubbles, but also by controlling the force, as if the prisoners are knocked down or out of bounds they must return to the prison and play continues. The first team to rescue a prisoner is the winner.
A suitable venue
In fact, the game can be played on an outdoor football pitch, basketball court or indoor court, as long as the field is wide enough and free from obstacles and sharp objects that could pierce the zorb ball.
If it is a hot day, or if it is raining or windy, then an indoor pitch is definitely suitable. Of course, weather that is too cold is also undoubtedly not suitable for playing outdoors. And if you want a more spacious environment and mild weather, then there is no doubt that an outdoor area is more suitable.
End of article
Kameymall is a great place to buy the zorb ball. If you are a company event planner, you might consider coming to this shop to buy the zorb ball and let everyone experience the game.
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