Apr, 21, 2022
611 Browses
In a week's time, it will be International Labour Day on May 1st. Do you have a holiday? I am currently working in China, which has a five-day holiday this year for May Day International Labour Day, from 30 April to 4 May. So, based on that, I am now assuming that you all have a holiday too. So here's the question. What do you want to do during the holiday?
I already have plans, I want to experience the zorb ball. I have already told you what the zorb ball is and how to play it in my previous article. Today, I would like to tell you about suitable venues for the zorb ball, the price of the zorb ball and where you can buy the zorb ball.
Firstly, if you want to enjoy the traditional way of playing the zorb ball, which is to roll down a slope with the zorb ball to experience the weightlessness and excitement, then you can choose a grassy slope with an incline of around 30 degrees, a hill or a snow field. Secondly, if you want to try running or walking freely in water, then you can choose a large, safe pool. Also, as there are many new games of zorb ball nowadays, you will need to choose another suitable venue, for example if you want to experience bubble football, then you will need to choose an indoor or outdoor football pitch.
The price of the zorb ball
As there are many different types of zorb balls. Firstly, different zorb balls are made of different materials, some are made of hard materials and some are made of soft materials. Secondly, the size of the zorb ball varies from one application to another, for example a zorb ball used for bubble football is definitely smaller than a zorb ball used for traditional play. As a result, the price of the zorb ball varies considerably. Overall, a zorb ball can cost between $50-$500.
Where to buy a zorb ball
Do you like to feel the thrill? If so, you need to get yourself a zorb ball. With the zorb ball, you can also drag your friends along to experience the zorb ball game. Where can I buy a zorb ball? You can buy reliable, high-quality zorb balls in different sizes and designs at Kameymall.
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