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Home news Product Know Basic Information About Human Hair Wigs
the origin of human hair wigs

Know Basic Information About Human Hair Wigs

Mar, 08, 2022

623 Browses

According to the traditional standard and people’s aesthetic, the human hair wigs should maintain a basic rule that the hair must be is straight and hair in ancient times, equivalent to today's "black long straight hair". After all, at that time, there was no dying products. Thanks to the human hair wigs, both male and female with the problem of thinning hair or even baldness can wear human hair wigs in view to increase the length and thickness of their hair.

red full lace wig

The origin of it

The early human hair wigs were made from the true human hair, such as the hair of debtors or the hair collected from those dead people. This situation did not end until one traveller named Humphrey Ravenscroft invented a process helping people collect wigs from ponytails in 1822. For a long time, most of the raw material horsehair used for this wig came from European countries, because the European horses’ manes are not easy to weave and are easy to break but it holds a good quality. So, it became a popular choice to make the human hair wig.

It is beneficial
As we all know, the hair is an important and vital part of an individual's body, and no one is granted to damage this rule of law. If not for some particular reason, people would never cut their hair in ancient times. At that time, looting is a widely used way to select human hair wigs. Also, the human hair wigs can be seen as a trading good which people can cut their hair and sell it for money because of the high need of the human hair wigs. But now, thanks to the rapid development of technology, we can produce the human hair wigs by special machines. And you don’t have to worry about the quality and fidelity, because it can be ensured by the relevant technology which will definitely make the wig more realistic and make people easier to maintain.

Our website named Kameymall is a wonderful trading website where you can find the human hair wigs in your need.

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