May, 17, 2022
705 Browses
Hi everyone, I am an administrator in a large company and I am responsible for the planning of the company's daily activities. In my last post, I mentioned that I had just finished planning a special group activity, which was approved by the head of the company and made it a reality with good results. This event was made possible thanks to the zorb ball.
It's not purely the zorb ball that brings the surprise - after all, if we just see something that no one has seen before, there's nothing to be happy about. What matters is whether the zorb balls can bring us some joy. From the results I've just described, it's clear that they can bring us joy.
In fact, at a group building event, I organised for them to experience a very popular team game in London, Bubble Ball Jailbreak, using zorb balls. How do you play this game? Let me explain the rules of the game next.
Rules of the game
Firstly, we played the game together with a total of 16 people, divided into two groups, with one or a few people from each group identified as prisoners and the rest as guards.
The prisoners were placed behind the enemy camp on the other side, and the guards' task was to rescue their prisoner team members and bring them back to base camp, while also preventing the enemy prisoners from escaping from their camp. This means that each team has to guard their prisoners while attacking, and not allow the other team to rescue them.
The attacking guards release the prisoners from the prison by touching the bubbles, but also by controlling the force, as if the prisoners are knocked down or out of bounds they must return to the prison and play continues. The first team to rescue a prisoner is the winner.
Due to the large number of people in our company, we split up into several groups to experience the game in turn. Both those who were playing and those who were watching found the game very interesting. Once again, I think I was wise to buy these zorb balls from Kameymall.
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