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Home news Product Practice Standing Triple Jump With Air Track Mats (Part 1)
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Practice Standing Triple Jump With Air Track Mats (Part 1)

Jun, 08, 2022

562 Browses

The standing triple jump requires the participant to jump with both feet in place and then land on either foot (first jump), land on the other foot during the straddle jump (second jump) and finally land on both feet to complete the jump (third jump). In China, this event is often used as one of the basic examinations for the college entrance examinations, and the standard for full marks for men is 9.50m and for women 7.90m, which is overall quite demanding. It is also often seen at university sports events.

In fact, training with the mini air track can be effective in improving students' performance in the standing triple jump, so today I am going to share with you some training methods. Firstly, we will talk about some ways to use the mini air track for lower body and lower back strength exercises.

air track mat
Sandpit one-legged jump over the mat

Objective: To develop the explosive power of the lower limbs, the feeling of jumping forward and upwards and the coordination of the stirrups by jumping on one foot over a 50cm "A" shaped gymnastic mat in a sand pit.
Exercise method: Fold a mini air track mat into a 50cm high "A" shape and place it in the sandpit, students jump over the mat with one foot, then change direction and jump over the mat again.
Teaching requirements: 20 jumps on the left foot and then 20 jumps on the right foot, repeat for 3 sets. One foot should be folded to jump across the air track mat, swinging the arms in a coordinated manner and not landing on the other foot when changing direction.

Jumping on the gymnastic mat with both feet folded

Objective: To develop the core strength of the legs, waist and abdomen by jumping continuously over the "A" shaped gymnastic mat with the feet folded, and to experience the coordination of the stirrups.
Exercise method: Place 8-10 small gymnastic mats in an "A" shape about 1 metre apart, 50cm in height, in sequence. Students jump across the "A" shaped mats with both feet in succession, jumping with both feet, knees bent and abdominals tucked in and jumping across the mats with consistent movements.
Teaching requirements: 10 sets of repetitions. Jump continuously and jump quickly after landing, paying attention to the height of the tuck, the distance of the landing and the coordination of the stirrups.


If you want to buy some of the air track mats to practice your standing triple jump, you should look no further than Kameymall.

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