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Do You Know What Zorbing Is?

Aug, 18, 2022

414 Browses

If you look up the word zorbing in a dictionary, you may find all the definitions are about a sport in which people is secured inside a giant transparent ball and is then rolled down hills or along the ground.


A kind of adrenaline activity

You may be upset about the those definitions as zorbing may not be as interesting as what you thought before. But in fact, zorbing is one of the most interesting sport activity.


Zorbing was invented in 1994 by two people in New Zealand, Andrew Akers and Dwane van der Sluis, who wanted to create a new attraction. They have certainly achieved this with zorbing, and what’s more, now zorbing can be found around the world in countries like Australia, Canada, Japan, and the US. Zorbing is an adrenaline-filled activity that involves placing an individual in a clear plastic ball and rolling down a hill. As the sphere accelerates, centrifugal force may spin the individual into a virtual antigravity form of weightlessness.

How long does zorbing cost?

The time of zorbing depends on the types you want to try. Usually zorbing can last up to 40 seconds or more, depending on the track you choose and the track your zorb ball decides to take. That might not sound like much at first, but in the context of adrenaline activities, it is actually pretty long. The thrill and joy of a activity is not relevant to the time it will last. Bungee jumping only last a few seconds, but no one can say it is not exciting. For any type of adrenaline adventure, you certainly want to enjoy the thrill, but safety always comes first. A high quality zorb ball has enough cushioning inside to make sure you don’t get hurt.


If you want to get more information about zorb balls and zorbing, you can now visit Kameymall to view the news or browse through various kinds of zorb balls we picked for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

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