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Home news Product Why Not Try The Fun Activity Of Zorbing? (Part 1)
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Why Not Try The Fun Activity Of Zorbing? (Part 1)

Aug, 18, 2022

407 Browses

Zorbing is an adventurous activity in which a person first enters a transparent sphere and rolls quickly from an inclined surface to a flat surface that has a dense outer wall and special fasteners inside the sphere. The name of this adventure comes from the name of the human hamster ball itself - zorb, which is the ancestor of zorb itself.

Zorbing is a very extreme activity because the movement of the zorb ball rolling from the top of the hill is not controlled by anything, sometimes even the passengers inside. This is why many people interested in active recreation often view the sport with caution. However, zorbing is not as dangerous as you might think. In order to completely protect yourself while zorbing, you should be aware of all of its pros and cons.


Disadvantages of zorbing

Even with money, not everyone can zorb. It's all about the player's physical quality and weight, and most people refer to these parameters before zorbing. For example, a person who is about 6.5 feet tall and weighs about 95 kg is not suitable for playing this intense sport.

Zorbing is not recommended for people with high or low blood pressure, scoliosis, osteoporosis and other conditions. People with cardiovascular, musculoskeletal (and even digestive) system problems need to be very careful with every adventure sport.

Buy a zorbing ball at Kameymall

If you are interested in zorbing, then why not buy a zorbing ball at Kameymall? The blue zorbing ball pictured here has a diameter of 2.5 meters. It is made of high quality PVC, so it has good abrasion resistance and can keep you safe to a great extent. In addition, you can also customize the zorbing ball exclusively for you according to your preference. You are welcome to buy it.

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